A while back I have written about my Hittail experiment, and now it’s time for an update. Back then, I had limited data to truly appreciate the benefit of using Hittail, since my experience was limited to only about one week of using the service. At that time the split between keywords collected by Hittail was down the middle where top ten keywords accounted for 50% of search traffic to my site, and the long tail accounted for 50% of search traffic to my site. These figures where based on only 28 keywords.
Today the Hittail of my blog has 100 keywords and of course the split between top ten keywords and the long tail much different. Top ten keywords account for only 22.6% of traffic to my blog, while the long tail accounts for a whooping 77.6% of traffic to my site. So here are few points I would like to make to praise this wonderful service.
Real Time Statistics
With Hittial you see the real time statistics. While there are other gadgets that can do the same, I love Hittial because it shows you results of the current day by displaying the date and time in green. As well as the search term is in a darker color, so your eye naturally is drown to these statistics.
Hittial Helps Me To Weed Out Unwanted Keywords
Now that Hittail have collected 100 keywords that referred visitors to my site, I am noticing keywords and phrases in the tail that I did not necessary planned nor wanted to rank for. While your website can be “broad” in what you write about and you may welcome ranking for any keyword possible, the final decision on which keywords to concentrate is up to you. While Hittail offers “suggestions” you still have to do the final work. You can “weed out” the undesired keywords and concentrating on the ones that are unique to your website’s niche. In my opinion this is the best part of using Hittail, so far no other software was able to help me in that respect as much as Hittail did.
Mike Levin, that mastermind behind Hittail, recently wrote that affiliates fall in love with Hittail at first sight. It was definitely true for me.